Showing posts with label MMPC 01 - Management Functions and organisational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMPC 01 - Management Functions and organisational. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 September 2022

Question No. 3 - MMPC 01 - Management Functions and Organisational Processes - MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

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MMPC 001 - Management Functions and Organisational Processes


Question No. 3. Discuss and describe the importance of Directing as a function of management. Illustrate with examples. 

While studying the characteristics of directing you must have realized that, every activity performed in the organisation is initiated through directing. Directing integrates people from all levels of management towards achievement of common objectives. Through directing managers instruct their subordinates about ‘what they should do’, ‘when they should do’ and ‘how they should do’ and ensure that all instructions are followed and implemented in proper perspective.

Importance of Directing

Directing or Direction function is said to be the heart of management of process and therefore, is the central point around which accomplishment of goals take place.

Being the central character of enterprise, the importance of direction is explained as under:

1. Direction Initiates Actions: Directions are the function which is the starting point of the work performance of subordinates. It is from this function the action take place; subordinates under­stand their jobs and perform according to the instructions given to them. All the predetermined plans can be implemented only when the actual work starts. It is there that direction becomes beneficial. Through direction, management conveys and motivates individuals in the organi­zation to function in the desired way to get organizational objectives. Without direction, other managerial activities like planning, organizing and staffing become ineffective.

2. Direction Integrates Employees’ Efforts: Successful achievement of organizational objectives is only possible when efforts of every individual are directed towards the same. Through direction, the superiors are able to guide, inspire and instruct the subordinates to work. It is through direction only; the efforts of every department can be related and integrated with others. Integration of efforts brings effectiveness and stability in the organisation. Thus, individuals’ efforts need to be integrated so that organization achieves its objectives in the most efficient manner and this is possible through direction only.

3. Direction Attempts to Get Maximum out of Individuals: A manager makes use of the elements like motivation, leadership, and communication to improve the performances of subordinates. Direction provides the way to utilize these capabilities and also it helps in increasing these capabilities. Superior performance of employees is ensured by proper direction to them.Proper direction to subordinates by managers enables the organization to get best from their subordinates. Organization performance improves greatly when every employee gives his best to the organization.

4. Direction Facilitates Changes in the Organization: Directing enables the organization to cope up with the changing conditions of the environment through effective communication and leadership. It is general human tendency to show resistance to change. Adaptability with changing environment both internal and external helps in the success of business. Before the change is introduced, the employees may be informed about the nature of changes and the benefits that are likely to follow and they may be taken into confidence through effective leadership and motivation and guidance.

5. Direction Provides Stability and Balance in the Organization: Effective leadership, communication and motivation, provide stability in the orga­nization and maintain balances in the different parts of the organization. Thus, organization exists for a long period and its parts work in a harmonious way.

6. Aims at Maximum Output: Every individual in the organisation has some potentiality and capability. But, in the absence of motivation, leadership, communication and other elements of direction may not be utilized fully. Direction provides the way to utilize these capabilities and also it helps in increasing these capabilities.

7. Aims to Achieve Organisational Objectives: Accomplishment of organisational objectives depends on the integration of the individual inputs of all the employees. These individual inputs can be coordinated with the help of direction.

8. Ensures Better Human Relations: Direction helps in understanding the nature and needs of employees. Nature of employees can only be understood through two-way communication. Employee needs can be satisfied through financial incentives.

9. Supplements other Managerial Functions: In the process of managing, the manager has to perform many management functions, such as planning, organizing, staffing and controlling. To produce desired results, all these functions are initiated and actuated. And without effective direction, managerial functions remain less effective.

10. Ensures Better Discipline among Employees: Disciplined human force is needed for the smooth functioning and the success of the organisation. Through the process of directing, orders and instructions are given to the subordinates and they are inspired and motivated to follow them. The main purpose of direction is to get things done by subordinates. By supervising, guiding, educating and overseeing the activities of subordinates, they are made to work in a disciplined manner.

Direction as an indispensable managerial function, since it is mainly concerned with human relations. Direction plays a very important role in management. Planning, organising and staffing are not enough. The management must stimulate action by giving orders to the subordinates and by supervising them as they proceed with their work. Direction is the heart of administration. It is the direction to subordinates only that secures greater or less efforts from employees and make.

The performance satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Management’s ability is to put to test by its capability of direction. Planning and organising are only preparations for works whereas performance and the real work begins with the directing function of management. Direction motivates, direction commands and direction controls the organisation. Direction provides necessary leadership in the business. It is a process of integration also. It is concerned with securing the fullest co-operation of people for the realisation of objectives.

This co-operation can be achieved only by good organisational communication, people oriented supervision and motivation. Favourable and healthy conditions must exist both within and outside the enterprise for enabling employees to develop their attitude to work. Directing play an important role in this process. It stimulates the plans and enlightens the organisation. It keeps the actives continued.

As a matter of fact, without the issuance of directions or orders as well as without guiding and supervising the subordinates, nothing would be accomplished. Direction does not get only the work done, but it develops future managers also.

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