Showing posts with label ibo-02. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ibo-02. Show all posts

Monday, 31 January 2022

Question No. 5 - IBO - 02 International Marketing Management Mcom 1st Year

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO-02 International Marketing Management

Question No. 5 Comment briefly on the following statement: 

(a) In addition to the general considerations in packaging, there are certain special factors to be considered in export packaging. 

There are certain special factors to be considered in export packaging design. These factors relate to

1. Language
A package does promotion functions too. The literature printed on the package material must be in local language. Then only a majority of the users can understand the product information the package label bears. Thus, language is one of the important considerations to be borne in mind while designing export packaging

2. Regulations in the foreign countries
Packaging is subject to government regulations in foreign countries. Packaging standards are specified for certain commodities. If packaging does not comply with foreign regulations, it may attract punitive action.

3. Buyer’s specifications
Sometimes, buyers specify their requirements with regard to packaging. They may like to purchase the product in a specific form which may be convenient to them. When the package is in the form of a tube rather than a jar, it would be easy for the buyers to handle the package of the product till it is used up.

4. Length of the distribution channel
Channel distribution is the pathway of reaching goods to the ultimate consumers. A lengthy distribution channel involves too many middlemen taking a longer time between production and final consumption. Then the package must endure the rigors of travel and handling in the long distribution channel. Stronger packaging is preferred in such cases.

Depending upon the time factor involved in the distribution channel, packaging must be designed. A package should be capable of withstanding the stresses of handling in transport and storage.

5. Environmental factors
Environmental factors like weather and climatic conditions greatly influence the package design. A tropical country requires different packaging than for a country with cold climate.

6. Disposability of packages
Generally, consumers in developed countries prefer disposable containers. If the package is disposable immediately after use, then due care must be given to the package material. The package material should not cause environmental hazards. It would be better if the material could be recycled.

7. Size of package
The size of the package is one of the important considerations in designing packages. It depends upon the buying characteristics of consumers. If buyers purchase regularly at short intervals, then the size of the package can be small. On the other hand, buyers with freezers at home may prefer big packages.

(b) International marketing displays an interesting paradox with respect to control situation. 

Marketers assume that the else choices they offer, the more likely guests will be fit to find just the right thing. They assume, for illustration, that offering 50 styles of jeans instead of two increases the chances that shoppers will find a twain they really like. International marketing displays an interesting paradox with respect to control situation. Notwithstanding, probe now shows that there can be too substantial choice; when there is, consumers are less likely to buy anything at all, and if they do buy, they're less satisfied with their selection.

 It all began with jam. In 2000, psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper published a remarkable study. On one day, shoppers at an upmarket food request saw a display table with 24 strains of gourmand jam. International marketing displays an interesting paradox with respect to control situation. Those who tried the spreads took a ticket for$ 1 off any jam. On another day, shoppers saw a resembling table, except that only six strains of the jam were on display. The large display attracted further interest than the small bone. But when the time came to take, people who saw the large display were one-tenth as likely to buy as people who saw the small display.

 Other studies have Vindicated this result that other choice isn't always better. As the variety of snacks, soft drinks, and beers offered at convenience stores increases, for specimen, transactions volume and punter satisfaction shrinkage. Either, as the number of withdrawal investment options available to workers increases, the chance that they will choose any shrinkages. International marketing displays an interesting paradox with respect to control situation. These studies and others have shown not only that undue choice can produce “ choice palsy,” but also that it can reduce people’s satisfaction with their verdicts, yea if they made good bones. My confreres and I've start that increased choice decreases satisfaction with matters as trivial as ice cream flavors and as significant as jobs.

These results challenge what we suppose we know about natural nature and the determinants of well- being. Both psychology and business have operated on the supposition that the relationship between choice and well- being is straightforward International marketing displays an interesting paradox with respect to control situation. The other choices people have, the better off they are. In psychology, the benefits of choice have been tied to autonomy and control. In business, the benefits of choice have been tied to the benefits of free requests more generally. Added options make no bone worse off, and they're bound to make someone better off.

 Choice is good for us, but its relationship to satisfaction appears to be more complicated than we had assumed. There's lowering frontier usefulness in having volitions; each new option subtracts a little from the feeling of well- being, until the frontier benefits of added choice standing out. What’s more, psychologists and business academics similarly have largely ignored another product of choice Fresh of it requires increased time and trouble and can lead to anxiety, rue, monstrously high expectancies, and nature- blame if the choices do n’t work out. When the number of available options is small, these costs are negligible, but the costs grow with the number of options. Ultimately, each new option makes us feel worse off than we did anteriorly.

(c) The revolutionary changes in the information technology is sweeping across global business. 

The effects of technological change on the global economic structure are creating immense transformations in the way companies and nations organize production, trade goods, invest capital, and develop new products and processes. Sophisticated information technologies permit instantaneous communication among the far-flung operations of global enterprises. New materials are revolutionizing sectors as diverse as construction and communications. Advanced manufacturing technologies have altered long-standing patterns of productivity and employment. Improved air and sea transportation has greatly accelerated the worldwide flow of people and goods.

All this has both created and mandated greater interdependence among firms and nations. The rapid rate of innovation and the dynamics of technology flows mean that comparative advantage is short-lived. To maximize returns, arrangements such as transnational mergers and shared production agreements are sought to bring together partners with complementary interests and strengths. This permits both developed and developing countries to harness technology more efficiently, with the expectation of creating higher standards of living for all involved.

Rapid technological innovation and the proliferation of transnational organizations are driving the formation of a global economy that sometimes conflicts with nationalistic concerns about maintaining comparative advantage and competitiveness. It is indeed a time of transition for firms and governments alike. This book provides a broad overview of these issues and seeks to shed light on such areas as the changing nature of international competition, influences of new technologies on international trade, and economic and social concerns arising from differences in national cultures and standards of living associated with adoption and use of new technologies.
At the institutional level, private enterprises are the principal instruments in many countries for developing and using technology, although governments play an important enabling role. The task of private enterprises is to be knowledgeable about the current state of science and technology, to understand the needs of the marketplace, and then to create technologies, products, and services that best meet those market needs. Morris Tanenbaum pointed out that this endeavor embraces many disciplines (basic science, engineering, production, distribution, marketing, and finance) and individual motivations. Many participants and observers of the contemporary technological scene propose that we are going through a period of discontinuous change as the breadth of technological applications expands and the time scale of change becomes shorter. For example, markets are becoming more global as transportation and communication speed the flow of knowledge of new products, and greater investment is being made in research and development (R&D) as technological capability has expanded. This process has placed new demands on organizations as they strive to obtain quick and effective market information and access, recoup their R&D investment more quickly, and recognize the importance of sharing technological capabilities. This is particularly true with regard to the information technologies—the one technology most rapidly changing other technologies. It achieves its greatest power when it is most global; where it provides the means to obtain access to the information systems of other countries and establish arrangements that promote the transfer of technology.

Government plays a central role in technology issues at the national level. Technology has now become a part of almost every political discussion as politicians have realized the impact of technology on world events. Governments vary in the way they influence and exploit technological changes, for example, through regulation, procurement, protectionist policies, and support of R&D. Public attitudes among various countries also differ, and these differences can affect governmental technology policy. “Given the fact that there is no ‘correct’ way of dealing with technologies which is applicable to all countries,” Sir Robin Nicholson commented, “each country must find its optimum way depending on its history, institutions, and public attitudes.” This implies that countries will move forward at different speeds, creating imbalances among nations. In this respect, multinational corporations, responsibly managed and sensibly treated by the countries in which they invest, and transnational joint ventures serve an important function by promoting global equilibrium.

From an international perspective, the main issue is to sustain and improve world growth and improve growth per capita. This breaks down into the problems of Western Europe, Japan, the United States, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and the problems of the more and less advanced developing countries. Robert Malpas noted that it becomes essential for all these players to harness technology for growth; however, this effort is frequently constrained by protectionism, concerns about intellectual property, the demands of international marketing and finance, and, of course, national security. The net result appears to be that emerging nations, with a few exceptions, have even more difficulty achieving the growth necessary to close the gap with leading nations. Among the trends at the international level that can help sustain and improve world growth: the rebirth of interest in manufacturing, the spread of expert systems which multiply skills and help in the industrialization process, the acceptance of multinational corporations, the privatization of various industries, and the increased interest of governments in technology.

(d) A market research report must use the format that best fits the needs and desires of its readers. 

In essence, a market research report is a document that reveals the characteristics of your ideal customers, their buying habits, the value your product or service can bring to them, and the list of your top competitors.

The marketing research report paints a picture of what kinds of new products or services may be the most profitable in today’s highly competitive landscape. For products or services already available, a marketing research report can provide detailed insights as to whether they are meeting their consumers’ needs and expectations. It helps understand the reasons why consumers buy a particular product by studying consumer behavior, including how economic, cultural, societal, and personal factors influence that behavior.

Furthermore, the purpose of writing a marketing research report is to make calculated decisions about business ideas – whether they’re worth pursuing or not. This requires one primary skill which is observing the pattern which is hidden in the User Generated Content (UGC) written in different tones and perspectives on the social web.

Simply put, writing a market research report is a vital part of planning business activities and serves as a neat way to assimilate all the information about your target market and prospective customers.

Now, there are two key varieties of marketing research report formats – primary and secondary.

Primary vs. Secondary Market Research

Let’s take a look at the main recipes of how to make a market research report in detail:

Primary Research
This method of marketing research involves gathering firsthand information about your market and prospective clients. You study your customers directly by conducting:

  • Interviews (either by telephone or face-to-face)
  • Surveys and polls (online or by email)
  • Questionnaires (online or by email)
  • Focus groups discussions with a sample of potential customers and getting their direct feedback
  • Some crucial questions that you need to ask your prospective customers in your primary research are:

What are the factors that motivate you to purchase this product or service?
What do you like or dislike about this type of product or service already available on the market?
Are there any areas you’d like to suggest for improvement?
What according to you is the appropriate price for this product or service?
Primary research also involves analyzing competitors’ strategies, so you can find gaps and weaknesses that you can turn into your strengths.

Secondary Research

The second method of writing a marketing research report is all about analyzing the data that has already been published and using the available information on the web. That is, secondary research is done from reliable reports and statistics found on the websites of other organizations or authority blogs in your industry.

Sources can be:

Public: This includes all the free sources like social media and forums, Google Trends, YouGov, and government sources such as the United States Census Bureau.
Commercial: This includes industry insights compiled by research agencies like Pew, Gartner, Forrester, and so on. Typically, these are paid.
Internal: This is the historical market data your organization already has in-house, such as the Net Promoter Score, customer churn rate, and so on.
Secondary data can help you identify competitors, establish benchmarks, and determine target customer segments or demographics – people who live a certain lifestyle, their income and buying patterns, age group, location, etc.

How to Prepare Market Research Report

Now, here are some concrete steps and guidelines for writing a marketing research report.

Step 1: Cluster the Data
First off, compile all the relevant data you’ve accumulated from your primary and/or secondary research efforts. Survey results, interview answers, statistics from third-party sources – bring it all together and then analyze the information to sketch out the profile of your target market.

Step 2: Prepare an Outline
Next, create a skeleton of the report so that you understand what information will go where. An outline with sections and subsections will help you structure your marketing research report properly. A typical report includes an introduction, background and methodology, executive summary, results, and a conclusion with links to all references.

With an outline in front of you, start by writing the front matter of your report – an introduction that provides a brief overview of your business and the reason you conducted the market research. Include a summary of the market research process and the results you have analyzed. For instance, you might have been gauging the feasibility of a new product, so summarize that your market research report is for a new product launch.

Step 3: Mention the Research Methods
An important next step is to clearly mention the methods used to conduct the research. That is, if you conducted polls, specify the number of polls, the percentage of responses, the types of people or businesses targeted, and the questions included in the poll. Tag all the resources for demographic information, such as census data.

Step 4: Include Visuals With Narrative Explanation
Visuals such as charts and graphs are an important part of any research paper. They make sure that the findings are easy to comprehend.

So, create tables, graphs, and/or charts illustrating the results of the research. Accompany it with a narrative explanation of the visual data. Highlight the inferences you made based on this data.

Step 5: Conclude the Report With Recommendations
Finally, conclude your report with a section that lists actionable recommendations based on the research results to facilitate decision making. For example, all the numbers may point to the conclusion that your customers desire a particular feature that no other product on the market is currently offering. In this case, it is clear that it’s a good idea to invest your resources in providing that feature and gain a competitive edge.

At the very end of the report, include reference links to all the sources and an appendix for supplementary materials and further reading.

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Question No. 3 IBO - 02 International Marketing Management Mcom 1st Year

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO-02 International Marketing Management

Solutions to Question No. 3

a) International Sales People 

An international sales representative is a person who sells goods or services to clients outside of his own country. 
A salesman is an ambassador of his company to the external world. He leaves a lasting impression on those with whom he interacts and form an opinion about the company from his behaviour. By no stretch of imagination, we can consider the production staff or, for that matter any other staff of the organisation wielding the same influence as the salesman does.

A salesman is out in the field, with no direct or little direct supervision, whereas other employees have to work under close supervision. A salesman needs human relations skill much more than others. As he interacts with a variety of people in diverse situations, he must show diplomatic skills and composure. Field duties involve hard physical labor, and are never a bed of roses. Besides, selling demands creativity, doggedness and initiative. Thus, a successful salesman should have a combination of brain and brawn. As he is to be self-directed, he needs strong motivation.

A salesman needs human relations skill much more than others. As he interacts with a variety of people in diverse situations, he must show diplomatic skills and composure. He should show tact and intelligence while dealing with his customers.

A salesman is authorized to spend company’s money for his lodging, boarding, travelling and entertainment. Very few in the company are so authorized to use the company’s funds.He should show tact and intelligence while dealing with his customers. A salesman is authorized to spend company’s money for his lodging, boarding, travelling and entertainment. A salesman cannot enjoy family life like people in other walks of life do. He has to travel his territory while servicing it.
A salesman cannot enjoy family life like people in other walks of life do. He has to travel his territory while servicing it. Besides, selling is a high pressure job. All this makes him prone to stress. Thus, a salesman has to brave all kinds of adverse situations, while being away from home. It is, thus, a very tough job.

A salesperson is an individual whose fundamental job is to sell a product/service. They are people who are predomi­nantly engaged in personal selling activities on behalf of the company with a view to generate business connections that culminate the salespeople in delivering the product or service to the customers.

This is the description of salespeople that was portrayed in traditional selling. However, in modern selling, a salesperson’s role extends much over than just delivering the product to the customers. Today, the bigger role of a salesperson lies in the post-selling period.

The job of the salesperson apparently sounds simple in ideation but intricate in execution. Selling is an all-important task of an organization. It is the wheel of the organization that gives mobility to it. It determines the success or failure of the organization. It guides and controls the performance of the organization. Salespeople are the drivers of the ‘organization’ wagon.

Salespeople are the human factors in selling that stimulates prospective cus­tomers to be the real customers and the present customers to stay with the firm and opt for higher rate of consumption. Salespeople also act at the operational ambit of the organization. Success in sales plans, policies, strategies rely heav­ily on the personalized selling demonstrated by salespeople. A salesperson can work on behalf of a manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor, retailer, institution, franchisee, etc.

In the traditional selling format, salespeople held a ‘pushy’ image. They used to coax and cajole innocent customers into buying their products. Even for narrow interests, salespeople did not hesitate to cross ethical lines of business and dupe naive customers by swallowing over-priced products or inferior-quality products. Tall talk and lofty claims were often used as means to persuade customers to lean towards their products. Often, these salespeople were talkative and deceptive. They persistently used to flatter less or non-informative customers to join hands by pressure tactics.

(b) Export agency agreement

The export contract is used for the international sale of certain products (industrial supplies, raw materials, manufactured goods), which are projected for resale, where the buyer is a trader, importer, distributor or wholesaler that will sell the products to another company or merchant. Though it is common practice to export products based a proforma invoice or quotation received from exporters, it is a safe practice to use written and legal export contracts. Some of the essential elements of an export contract are:

  • Products, standards and specifications.
  • Units of measure in both figures and words.
  • Total value. The total contract value in words and figures, and in a specific currency.
  • Terms of delivery. Delivery terms, based on the Incoterms.
  • Terms of payment. Amount, mode and currency.
  • Documentary requirements. Documents needed for international trade transactions.
  • Delay in delivery. Damages due to the importer from the exporter in the event of late delivery owing to reasons other that force majeure.
  • A contract should provide for the insurance of goods against loss, damage or destruction during transportation.
  • Force majeure. Provisions in the contract defining circumstances that would relieve partners of their liability for non-performance of the contract.
  • Applicable law. The law of the country that is to govern the contract.
  • Arbitration clause to facilitate amicable and quick settlement of disputes or differences that may arise between the parties.

(c) Data sources

Marketing information and research are powerful tools to improve your understanding of your customers, competitors, and the industry and market in which you work. In today’s information-rich world, many great sources of marketing data are already available. Knowing what they are and how to find them is a great skill for any marketer.
The data sources recommended below are a representative sampling, rather than a complete list.

It is also worth noting that the marketing information landscape is continually changing. Marketers would be well served to continually scan for new developments and information sources that may be beneficial to improve their understanding of customers and ways of serving them.

- Publicly Available Data Sources
Government agencies, non-profit organizations, and non-governmental organizations often publish freely available data that may inform marketers’ understanding of consumers, customers, the geographies, and industry sectors where they operate.

- Syndicated Marketing Research Data
A number of commercial companies provide syndicated marketing research that is well respected and often well used by organisations that subscribe to their services.

- Other Useful Sources for Marketing Data
These additional sources for other types of marketing information are also warrant attention. Whether or not marketers use them, they should be aware of these tools and how they can be useful for a variety of marketing purposes. 

 (d) Transfer Pricing

Transfer prices are those charged for intracompany movement of goods and services. Firms need to make transfer-pricing decisions when goods are transferred from the headquarters to the subsidiaries in another countries. This transfer prices are important because goods transferred from country to country must have a value for cross-border taxation purposes. There are three basic approaches to transfer pricing:

  • Transfer at cost. The transfer price is set at the level of the production cost and the international division is credited with the entire profit that the firm makes. This means that the production center is evaluated on efficiency parameters rather than profitability.
  • Transfer at arm´s length. Here the international division is charged the same as any buyer outside the firm. Problems occur if the overseas division is allowed to buy elsewhere when the price is uncompetitive or the product quality is inferior, and further problems arise if there are no external buyers, making it difficult to establish a relevant price. Nevertheless, this approach has now been accepted worldwide as the preferred (not required) standard by which transfer prices should be set.
  • Transfer at cost plus. This is the usual compromise, where profits are split between the headquarters and the subsidiaries. The formula used for assessing the transfer price can vary, but usually it is this method that has the greatest chance of minimizing time spent on transfer-price disagreements, optimizing corporate profits and motivating the headquarters and subsidiaries.
The best solution also depends on the tax rates in the countries of the headquarters and subsidiaries. 

Friday, 14 January 2022

Question No. 2 IBO - 02 International Marketing Management Mcom 1st Year

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO-02 International Marketing Management

Solutions to Question No. 2

International marketing communication includes all methods companies use to provide information to and communicate with existing and potential customers and other stakeholders. The international communication process is affected by many factors that complicate communication in an international (cross-country or cross-cultural) setting (see Chapter 9). In this context, aspects such as language differences, economic differences, socio-cultural differences, legal and regulatory differences or competitive differences are crucial.

The international communication mix consists of a diverse set of communication tools such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations or direct marketing.

The most viable form of communication is advertising, which often constitutes the most important part of the communication mix in the consumer goods industry. However, in business-to-business markets, advertising is often less important than personal selling.

Marketers engage in international marketing communications with the following objectives in mind: 

Question No. 1 IBO - 02 International Marketing Management Mcom 1st Year

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO-02 International Marketing Management

Solutions to Question No. 1 

After a firm has chosen an attractive market, the next decision to be made is the timing of entry. Entry is considered early, when an international business enters the market prior to other foreign firms and late when it enters after other firms have already established themselves in the market. Entering the market early brings first mover advantages that include the opportunity to establish a strong brand name, acquire demand from the market, increase sales volume, and create switching costs that attach a customer to a given product or service (Kotabe & Kothari, 2016).

However, entering the market early can bring pioneering costs that a firm that enters the market later may be able to avoid. Pioneering costs include the costs of promoting and establishing the product. The probability of a firm surviving in a market increases, if they enter after several other firms have already established the market. Government regulations can also put an early entrant at a disadvantage, because laws can hinder the value of the early entrant’s investment (Hill, 2013).

The next decision that needs to be made is the scale of entry and strategic commitments. Significant assets and resources are needed for a large scale foreign market entry, which commits a firm to the market. Strategic commitments alter the competitive playing field for other firms and produce various changes and inflexibility for the firm. Large scale market entry implies rapid entry and offers the first mover advantages, such as demand acquisition, scale economies, and switching costs.

An entry on a smaller scale allows the firm to build themselves up gradually while becoming better acquainted with the market and limiting exposure to the market. Small scale market entry can also make it difficult for the firm to increase market share, because of their lack of commitment to the market. The small scale entrant reduces potential risk but also misses out on the opportunity for first mover advantages (Porter, 1980).

Taking all of these considerations into mind, there are not right or wrong decisions for a firm to make. Each series of decisions offers unique rewards and benefits and costs and risks.

Different companies grow globally by adopting different types of strategies of entering into foreign markets. Some companies even adopt different strategies for different nations. Various strategies of entering into foreign markets are discussed as follows:

(1) Exporting: Exporting is the most traditional way of entering into foreign market. Initially, a domestic business unit starts its international business by exporting to one nation. Gradually, it expands its exports to various nations. Exporting is very useful when a country has surplus production capacity i.e., its domestic consumption is less than its production capacity 

(2) licensing and Franchising: In licensing business unit of one country (Licensor) allows the business unit of other country (Licensee) to use its technical know-how (patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc.). For this, licensor charges royalty from license for a stipulated period of time. In most of the nations, the rate of royalty ranges from 5 per cent to 8 per cent of sales. Licensing agreements enable the licensor to make maximum utilization of its intellectual property. Licensee, too, can avail the benefits of modern technology by entering into licensing agreement. Under franchising, business unit of one nation (Franchiser) grants right to do business in a particular manner to the business unit of other nation (Franchisee). This right can be with regard to selling the goods under the brand name of franchiser. In some cases, the key components are provided by franchiser to franchisee. In another form of franchising, the manufacturer may appoint dealers in other nations. For example, soft drink manufacturers like Pepsi and Coca-Cola provide the key part of their product, Le. syrup to their franchisee in other nations. The franchisees have their own bottling plants where they make soft drinks but they sell the same under the brand name of franchiser.

(3) Contract Manufacturing: In this agreement, business unit of one nation enters into agreement with manufacturers of other nations to allow them to manufacture the goods at their own, but right to market these goods is retained by the parent foreign enterprise. Under such agreement, the parent foreign enterprise can expand its business to other nations without setting up its own manufacturing plant in other nations. If the parent enterprise feels that marketing in a particular nation is not much profitable, it can have easy exit from that nation as it has not set up its own production plant in other nation.

(4) Joint Ventures: It is a common strategy for getting an entry into foreign market. In joint venture, foreign partner makes an arrangement with local unit of other country in which ownership and management are shared by iocal unit and foreign partner. Local unit has thorough knowledge of domestic conditions and it has its local set-up and infrastructure like manufacturing unit, distribution network, service centres, etc.

(5) Management Contracting: In this arrangement, parent enterprise of one nation sets up management agencies. Through these management agencies, business units of other nations are managed without any stake in ownership/capital. It means the parent enterprise simply provides its managerial expertise to business units of other nations. For this, some fees in the form of percentage of profit or lump sum fee is charged by parent enterprise.

(6) Wholly Owned Subsidiaries: Some companies open wholly owned manufacturing units in other nations. These subsidiary companies are wholly owned by their parent company. MNCs prefer this route for globalization when they want to have complete control over manufacturing activities in other nations. Instead of entering into joint ventures, licensing, franchising, exporting, etc., they set up their own subsidiary units in different nations. MNCs have full ownership and control over these subsidiary units. For example, LG Electronics has set up LG India as its wholly owned manufacturing subsidiary unit. 

IBO-02 International Marketing Management Mcom 1st Year


IBO - 02 - International Marketing Management

Question No. 1 “One of the critical decisions in international marketing is the mode of entering the foreign market”. Discuss                                                     CLICK HERE 

Question No. 2 What is international marketing communication? Discuss its objectives and highlight the key issues in international marketing communication.                 CLICK HERE

Question No. 3 Write short notes on the following: 
(a) International Sales People 
(b) Export agency agreement 
(c) Data sources 
(d) Transfer Pricing                                                  CLICK HERE

Question No. 4 Differentiate between the following: 
(a) Probability and Non-probability Sampling Methods 
(b) Adaptation and Standardization International Advertising 
(c) Domestic agent and Domestic merchants. 
(d) Ethnocentric orientation and Polycentric orientation             CLICK HERE

Question No. 5 Comment briefly on the following statement: 
(a) In addition to the general considerations in packaging, there are certain special factors to be considered in export packaging. 
(b) International marketing displays an interesting paradox with respect to control situation. 
(c) The revolutionary changes in the information technology is sweeping across global business. 
(d) A market research report must use the format that best fits the needs and desires of its readers. 
                                                                                                        CLICK HERE

All Questions - MCO-22 - QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS & MANAGERIAL APPLICATION - Masters of Commerce (Mcom) - Second Semester 2025

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