The Last Lesson
Important Questions & Answers
CBSE Board Exam Preparation
Short Answer Questions (30-40 words)
1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
Franz was expected to be prepared with a lesson on participles. However, he had not studied and was afraid of being scolded by M. Hamel.
2. Why did Franz not want to go to school that day?
Franz did not want to go to school because he had not learned his lesson on participles. The weather was pleasant, and he was tempted to play outdoors rather than attend class.
3. What changes did Franz notice in the school atmosphere?
Franz noticed an unusual silence in the school. There was no commotion, and his teacher, M. Hamel, was dressed formally in his special green coat. The villagers were also present, adding to the serious mood.
4. Why was M. Hamel dressed in his special clothes?
M. Hamel wore his special green coat because it was his last day as a teacher in the school. The order had come from Berlin that only German would be taught in Alsace and Lorraine.
5. How did Franz feel when he heard that it was the last lesson?
Franz felt guilty and regretful for not paying attention to his studies. He suddenly realized the importance of his language and felt sad that he would no longer have the opportunity to learn it.
6. What was M. Hamel’s opinion about the French language?
M. Hamel believed that French was the most beautiful, logical, and clearest language. He encouraged the people to love and protect it, as it was their identity and key to unity.
7. How did M. Hamel blame himself for the students lack of knowledge?
M. Hamel admitted that he had sometimes sent students to water his plants or let them go fishing. He also blamed parents for prioritizing work over education and students for not taking learning seriously.
8. How did the villagers show respect for M. Hamel?
The villagers, including the former mayor and postmaster, attended the class as a tribute to M. Hamel. They regretted not learning their language earlier and wanted to show their respect for him and their mother tongue.
Long Answer Questions (100-120 words)
1. What was the significance of M. Hamel’s last lesson?
M. Hamel last lesson symbolized the importance of one language and culture. The Prussian government had banned the teaching of French in Alsace and Lorraine, making the lesson his final class. His emotional and passionate teaching made Franz and the villagers realize how precious their language was. They regretted not valuing their education earlier. The lesson served as a wake-up call, emphasizing that language is a means of preserving identity. M. Hamel words inspired everyone to protect their heritage, highlighting that language is crucial for unity and resistance.
2. How does the story depict the theme of linguistic oppression?
The story portrays linguistic oppression through the German imposition on French-speaking regions like Alsace and Lorraine. The Prussian order banning the French language in schools reflects cultural domination. M. Hamel expresses sorrow over the loss, urging people to preserve their language. The silence in the classroom, the regret of the villagers, and the emotional farewell show the deep impact of this suppression. By making language a symbol of identity, Daudet emphasizes how colonial powers use linguistic control to erase cultural heritage. The story highlights the need to respect and preserve one native language as a form of resistance.
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