Showing posts with label overcoming barriers to effective communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overcoming barriers to effective communication. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 January 2022

Question No. 4 - MMPC-001 - Management Functions and Organisational Processes

Solutions to Assignments 

MMPC -001 - Management Functions and Organisational Processes

Question No. 4 - Describe and discuss various channels of communication and their role in organisations. Discuss how to overcome barriers to effective communication with relevant examples.

Communication is central to all meaningful collaboration and teamwork. Communication keeps a whole organization moving. There are different ways we can communicate such as written communication, verbal communication, non-verbal communication and visual communication. It is important that whatever type of communication we choose, the information needs to be conveyed effectively. Various modes or medium to transmit and receive the information is referred as “communication channels”.

There are number of different types of communication channels exist as listed below:

Face-to-face conversations   
Audio conferencing
Written letters and memos
Chats and messaging
Formal written documents
Spreadsheets etc.
The above channels need to identified and used effectively for achieving maximum impact and richness of information as desired.

The above communication channels further can be categorized as:

1. Formal channels
It is an official way of communicating. A formal communication channel transmits information such as the goals, policies and procedures of an organization. Messages in this type of communication channel follow a chain of command. This means information flows from a manager to his subordinates and they in turn pass on the information to the next level of staff. Some examples include company newsletters, business plans, instructions, annual reports, agreements, company-wide communications, board presentations etc.

2. Informal channels
It is also an official way of communicating, with somewhat relaxed norms. There may not be a need for a chain of command or hierarchy in this kind of communication. There will be immense official communication where such hierarchy or command is not needed, but they happen within the official framework. Some examples will include conversations on the work floor addressing queries of team members, lunch time conversations, many of the emails where formal command is not needed such as someone is seeking some quick information etc.

Under the official environment, both formal and informal channels are used as needed.

3. Unofficial channels
There exists an unofficial mode of communication as well. The employees communicate outside work environment on topics not related to work. General social, sports, political and personal communication are unofficial channels. But a manager needs to be aware about the existence of such a channel and information flowing in them. Many times rumours and gossips also provide very important information which otherwise will not be available.


We need to be aware of existence of number of available channels in a team or project. It is important to choose the right communication medium or channel for effectively communicating.

Overcoming Communication Barriers

There are a lot of communication barriers faced these days by all. The message intended by the sender is not understood by the receiver in the same terms and sense and thus communication breakdown occurs. It is essential to deal and cope up with these communication barriers so as to ensure smooth and effective communication.

 Let’s talk about how to overcome these barriers of communication.

  1. Eliminating differences in perception: The organization should ensure that it is recruiting right individuals on the job. It’s the responsibility of the interviewer to ensure that the interviewee has command over the written and spoken language. There should be proper Induction program so that the policies of the company are clear to all the employees. There should be proper trainings conducted for required employees (for eg: Voice and Accent training).
  2. Use of Simple Language: Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized. Use of ambiguous words and jargons should be avoided.
  3. Reduction and elimination of noise levels: Noise is the main communication barrier which must be overcome on priority basis. It is essential to identify the source of noise and then eliminate that source.
  4. Active Listening: Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between “listening” and “hearing”. Active listening means hearing with proper understanding of the message that is heard. By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether his/her message is understood or not by the receiver in the same terms as intended by the speaker.
  5. Emotional State: During communication one should make effective use of body language. He/she should not show their emotions while communication as the receiver might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer of the message is in a bad mood then the receiver might think that the information being delivered is not good.
  6. Simple Organizational Structure: The organizational structure should not be complex. The number of hierarchical levels should be optimum. There should be a ideal span of control within the organization. Simpler the organizational structure, more effective will be the communication.
  7. Avoid Information Overload: The managers should know how to prioritize their work. They should not overload themselves with the work. They should spend quality time with their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedbacks actively.
  8. Give Constructive Feedback: Avoid giving negative feedback. The contents of the feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive feedback will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate.
  9. Proper Media Selection: The managers should properly select the medium of communication. Simple messages should be conveyed orally, like: face to face interaction or meetings. Use of written means of communication should be encouraged for delivering complex messages. For significant messages reminders can be given by using written means of communication such as : Memos, Notices etc.
  10. Flexibility in meeting the targets: For effective communication in an organization the managers should ensure that the individuals are meeting their targets timely without skipping the formal channels of communication. There should not be much pressure on employees to meet their targets.

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