Showing posts with label MMPC -008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMPC -008. Show all posts

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Question No. 2 - MMPC-008 - Information System for Managers - MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

Solutions to Assignments

                            MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

MMPC-008 - Information System for Managers


Question No. 2. What are the technology related challenges that are invisible to your organization? Highlight the pitfalls? How integrated software applications can help in this?  

Maintaining records for use, as and when, has been in practice right from the ancient times. Initially people were required to keep record of their possession so that governing body could take tax from them. Government and traders kept records to plan their activities better. With the industrialization, it became necessary for industry owners and managers to keep records of inventory and accounts. Management needed more information for internal decisions. Investors, on the other hand, needed information about the organizations, its soundness, and health. In spite of the technological developments, there is an ever-increasing demand for more and more information. 

Information and Information Technology have become a strategic necessity. The business environment has become much more competitive. It has become mandatory on the part of the organizations to make full use of information with the help of technology to service. In an organization, information and technology exist in the form of an information system. Whenever, an external or internal demand is anticipated or felt by the organization, information system (IS) helps the organization to plan critical response activities. The individuals are supported by IS to fulfill their roles. The organizations use IS to track consumer behavior. With the availability of technology, even in the form of hand held smart devices, it has become possible to disseminate information at any time in case organization has IS in place. The organization may take proactive measures rather than firefighting measures based on the information provided.

Typical scenario in an organization is closer to what is shown below in Figure 6.1

At Level I is the owner i.e. Chief of the organization or top level management, Level II has middle management, Level III is lower level management and at level IV are the workers. With increased size of organization, the volume of data generated within the organization also increased and IS became a necessity for rational decisionmaking by providing information at all levels by extracting from the pile of data. 

An Information System is developed to assist management in problem specific decision-making. IS development and deployment project may succeed or it may fail. A project is a success if it is completed within time and budget and delivers all as decided in beginning. It must meet needs of its users and organization. Over a period of time, the following main success and failure factors have been identified. These days integrated software modules are available which are required to be customized to have the software in place. The software, so customized, may be either installed in inhouse serves or on cloud servers. In cloud servers and storage, organization does not need to have servers and storage in its premises. Access to the IS is through internet hence only computer/laptop/smart devices are required to use the IS. There are many factors that contribute to the success of a project. They are detailed below.

1. The project scope should be stable and well understood. If the scope of the project changes during the development or customization of the software, the project is likely to suffer in terms of quality, schedule and budget overrun. 
2. An MIS project that aims at re-engineering the business processes of an organization faces major challenge. Such projects are high-risk but at the same time have high potential for major benefits. 
3. The technology development platform and development language exposure are other critical factors. Sometimes, the technology may be new and the team may have difficulty using the technology. The platform and language newness may also create trouble for the team. 
4. Support from the management is vital for the success of the project. If management looses interest in the project, budget may be cut, key people may be moved to another project or the moral support required by the team may become non-existent. 
5. The objective of MIS must be in tune with the objective of the organization. For instance, objective of an organization is to cut cost. An MIS that aims to handle financial transactions of the company is not in tune with the company’s objective. 
6. The system should be user friendly and the response time should be reasonable so that the user feels good to work on the system. User should never be over-powered by the system. 
7. MIS should be developed with a clear objective that must be documented before the development commences. The objective must be identified with the help of all stakeholders. The system analyst must interview concerned people to establish their needs. Inputs should be consolidated and presentation should be made in front of stakeholders and the development team. This should go till the user requirements are fully covered and understood i.e. till the objective becomes clear. 
8. An important aspect of an MIS is data. Data policy such as what data will be included, who will provide the data, who will validate the data, who will integrate the data and how will the data retire should be clearly stated. These seemingly trivial issues can turn a success into a failure. 
9. A quality control plan must be in place to ensure quality of specification and quality of conformance. If required, a third party may be engaged for this purpose. 
10. The concerned people should be adequately trained on the new system. This skill development process should go on periodically to overcome gaps due to shifting of human resources or because of changes made in IS. 
11. The system should be properly and explicitly documented so that attrition does not affect the project or MIS adversely.

Integrated software packages help in real business growth. Seeing the wide spread availability of such solutions from IT solution providers, companies today put on priority to integrate their diverse business processes to simplify operations for faster decision-making. Companies realise that if they have to survive and grow, they have to use tools that can provide quicker and useful information and cut costs to increase efficiency. IT has given businesses a chance to generate information in real-time and thus grab opportunities that were non-existent or unseen earlier. With the development of cuttingedge technology, we have seen evolution of many systems that has adapted market demands. IT is readily providing business solutions now. Even complete project undertaken by a company can be very well managed and monitored today using Project Management Systems (PMS). They are designed to assist project managers and their teams organize the step-bystep process of a project, identify priorities, and monitor project tasks, costs, contacts, deadlines and staff. Complex projects that require staff, team coordination, budgets and so on can be difficult to manage without the use of project management software. Similarly, Business Intelligence (BI) tools are also available for analytical study for making the business more and more successful.

The integrated software solutions provide a platform to integrate all processes in an organization enabling it to plan, trace and see its 4-m resources (materials, machines, men and money) in the best possible ways to service customers and reduce costs. If you want that your Business should survive with low overheads and still run efficiently then you have no choice Integrated Applications but to opt for IT solutions.

Today, a typical business solution is an integration of ERP, BPR, SCM, CRM, BI, and PMS. While ERP can take care of functions like accounts production planning, payroll and marketing etc., BPR can be used simultaneously to cut-down on all non-value added business processes and paperwork. These systems are the enablers of change in the business for better. With the help of these systems your business can compete better. These systems, combined with the web, help you to reach your customers most cost-effectively. There would be no cost incurred on travel and communication and no cost incurred on setting up offices and employees. The Cloud services available with almost all big players in the market have made the task of maintaining integrated system much more simpler as compared to yesteryears.

E-Business generations are well explained with a pictorial representation in the Figure 8.1 . By this you would be able to appreciate why we are talking about integrations and business solutions and what place it has in the present world. It can be seen that 4th generations business solutions are using web to integrate all systems. ERP is used in a broader term here. In fact the term ERP is the synonym for integration of all the software catering to various business processes in organizations. Worldwide this term i.e. ERP is used now for the total integration of business processes. The software modules, BPR for reengineering the business processes and PMS for project monitoring are used too for the respective tasks. Similarly BI is used as the analytical tool for estimating and forecasting supports for the business based on primary data (at the organization location) and secondary data available through web for the analysis and inferences.

Here you should be clear that e-business is similar to e-commerce but it is more than just a simple act of buying and selling services or goods online. In fact, it is the method of utilizing digital information and advanced communication technologies to streamline different business processes – from the initial to implementation phase. E-commerce is just a part of e-business.

Question No. 1 - MMPC-008 - Information System for Managers - MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

Solutions to Assignments

                            MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

MMPC-008 - Information System for Managers


Question No. 1. “The IT has been used in every business and for every function of a business.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. Also explain application of IT in business.

Information Technology (IT) has become a strategic necessity. Unless we believe in IT and act on it, there is every chance of becoming a footnote in the annals of History. IT has become a vital component of successful businesses and organizations. Managers are expected to identify opportunities to implement Information System (IS) to improve the business processes. Managers are also required to lead IS projects in IT.

Information Technology has become a major facilitator of business activities. It is also a catalyst of fundamental changes in the structure, operations and management of organizations. 
IT can be used to: 
1. Perform high-speed, high-volume, numeric computations. 
2. Provide fast, accurate and inexpensive communication within and between organizations. 
3. Store huge amounts of data in an easy-to-access yet small space and allow quick and easy access. 
4. Automate business processes and manually done tasks. 
5. Analyse big volume of data available through internet for decision making. 

IT has been used for improving productivity, reducing cost, enhancing decision making process, enhancing customer relationships, and developing new strategic applications. The business paradigm has completely shifted from being sellers market to buyers market. Customers have become the focal point of any business. The business environment is no more as stable as it used to be and has become much more competitive. It became mandatory on the part of the organizations to make full use of IT to survive. IT has become one of the standard components of an organization. 

Information is the finished product for which data is the raw material. The dictionary defines information as processed data, which is used to trigger certain actions or gain understanding of what the data implies.
Information has also been defined as data that have been put into a meaningful and useful context and communicated to a recipient who uses it to make decisions. Information involves the communication and reception of intelligence or knowledge. It apprises and notifies; surprises and stimulates, reduces uncertainty, reveals additional alternatives or helps eliminate irrelevant or poor ones, and influences individuals and stimulates them to action. 
The information must be received by the recipient within the required time frame and the information must be free from errors. The technology plays an important role in delivering timely and error free information to its recipients. Technology includes hardware, software, databases, and communication system. Hardware is a set of devices such as processor, monitors, keyboard, and printer that accept data, process them, and display them. Software is a set of programs that enable the hardware to process data. Database is also an integral part of IT system, which is a collection of related files, tables, relation etc. that stores data and the association among them. Network connects computing resources of an organization and facilitates sharing of hardware and software. 
The organization processes and people are integral part of an IT System. Now we know what information is and what technology is. With this, we are ready for a definition of IT.

The impact of IT on a business has been tremendous. One of the advantages of IT systems for a business is the cost-performance ratio, which is better in case of computers. The labor cost increases every year but the cost of computer does not increase. A better and more powerful computer can be bought for the same price after a year. It is better to use computers for routine jobs as far as possible. The IT has been used in every business and for every function of a business. Some of the applications are as follows.

  • Finance and accounting - IT has been used for forecasting revenues, determining the best sources and uses of funds and managing cash and other financial resources. IT has also been used to analyze investments and perform audits. 
  • Sales and marketing - IT has been used to develop new services, which may not exist without IT. IT has helped management of various organizations to determine the best location for production and distribution facilities. The operational data has been analyzed using IT to determine the best advertising and sales approaches. The product prices have been set using IT to get the highest total revenues. In other words, IT has been used for product analysis and price analysis. 
  • Manufacturing - IT has been extensively used for processing customer orders, controlling inventory levels, developing production schedules and for monitoring product quality. A whole new discipline- Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing has evolved due to application of IT to design and manufacturing. The manufacturing is not what is used to be due to the use of computers, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) dominates the manufacturing sector. Use of robots is increasing not only in manufacturing plants but also in other sectors such as healthcare, laboratories, defense sector etc. 
  • Human Resource Management - Companies are using IT systems for screening applicants and conducting various tests. 
  • Project Management - A range of software packages are available in the market for managing projects. These software products let the management set the schedules, milestones, facilitate communication among group members, and monitor the project progress. These products help in document and report preparation. 
  • Data Analysis- Investment firms heavily use information systems to analyze stocks, bonds and options to provide better service to their clients. With the internet connectivity this application is high in demand even by other firms dealing with large data.

MMPC-008 - Information System for Managers - MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

Solutions to Assignments

                            MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

MMPC-008 - Information System for Managers


Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study centre. Last date of submission for Jan 2022 Session is 30th April 2022 and for July 2022 Session is 31st October 2022. 

Question No. 1. “The IT has been used in every business and for every function of a business.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. Also explain application of IT in business.     CLICK HERE

Question No. 2. What are the technology related challenges that are invisible to your organization? Highlight the pitfalls? How integrated software applications can help in this?      CLICK HERE

Question No. 3. “The goal of the information system life cycle is to keep the project under control and assure that the system produced satisfies the requirements.” Explain, in view of the statement, the phases of system development life cycle.      CLICK HERE

Question No. 4. “Artificial intelligence is employed in virtually every branch of science today.” Explain, in the view of the statement, the application of artificial intelligence.      CLICK HERE

Question No. 5. Write the short note on any three of the following:- 
(a) Smart Devices 
(b) Transaction Processing System 
(c) Features of Visual Basic (VB.Net) 
(d) Data Warehousing                 CLICK HERE

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