Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Question No. 5 - IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics - Master of Commerce (M.Com)

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics

Master of Commerce (M.Com) - 1st Year

Question No. 5 Write short notes on following: 
a) Public Warehouse.

These warehouses are owned by government and semi government bodies and are made available to private firms to store goods on payment of rent. The public warehouses are usually set up to help small traders who are not in position to have their own warehouses due to financial constraints.

Therefore, in order to promote trade and industry, central or state governments come forward to cater such storage needs of traders/retailers. Anyone can avail these facilities to solve its short-term distribution needs. Retailers sometimes due to increased sales even find their private warehouses insufficient if their facilities have reached capacity or if they are making a special, huge purchase of products for some reasons.

For example, before festivals or before marriage seasons, retailers may order extra merchandise to avoid ‘out of stock’ situations. These warehouses are typically regulated by the government bodies. Costs incurred by the private firms for the use of public warehouses are considered as variable. These warehouses are mainly used by manufacturers/producers, exporters and importers.

b) Commercial Shipping 

Depending upon how fast you want to get cargo to your customer and how much he or she is willing to spend, you might ship by ocean or air. Accordingly, there are two types of bills of lading, the ocean bill of lading and the airway bill.

An ocean bill of lading serves both as a receipt for the cargo and as a contract for transportation between you (the exporter) and the carrier. It also symbolizes ownership; accordingly, if in negotiable form, it can be bought, sold or traded while the goods are in transit.

When you use air freight, an airway bill is issued in lieu of a bill of lading. It serves as a through bill of lading which covers domestic and international flights moving cargo to a specific destination. Your air transportation carrier will advise you of the house airway bill number and the master airway bill number assigned to your shipment. You must be sure to communicate these to your customer along with other transportation details.

Airway bills serve functions similar to those of ocean bills of lading, but they are only issued in non-negotiable form. This means that you and your bank have less protection because you lose title to the goods once shipment commences. Be sure to check with your logistics expert if you are shipping hazardous goods. Special forms are required.

We will be covering ocean bills of lading in detail because ocean freight is the most economical -- and therefore the most frequently used -- method of export shipment.

You must prepare and submit a Shipper's Letter of Instructions form to your freight forwarder so that they can issue an accurate bill of lading. This form indicates if the transaction is being made against a letter of credit, whether insurance is required and where to send documents, etc. Once you've finalized terms of payment with your customer, you will be able to furnish these facts to your freight forwarder.
Most bills of lading are issued with three originals and several copies.

There are numerous different types of ocean bill of lading, but you will find that the following are the most commonly used:

A "straight" (non-negotiable) bill of lading provides for delivery to the person whose name appears on it. It must be marked "non-negotiable." Only the person named can claim the goods upon arrival. This type of bill is usually used for goods shipped on an open-account payment basis when the exporter is not concerned about the importer receiving the goods without payment.
A "shipper's order" (negotiable) bill of lading is used when you want to impose conditions on delivery of the goods, such as acceptance of a draft. This type of bill of lading works well when payment has been secured by a letter of credit because you can make sure that the terms of the L/C are met before the goods are released.
A "clean bill of lading" is issued when the shipment is received in good order. If there is any damage or a shortage of product is found, a clean bill of lading will not be issued.
An "on-board bill of lading" is issued when the cargo has been placed aboard the named vessel. It is signed and certified by the master of the vessel. For a letter of credit transaction, this bill of lading is required in order for you (the exporter) to get paid.
Of course if the goods require packing or specialist rigging Infinity can assist with this.
In the case of personnel affects the whole procedure is simpler, how much you want to spend and how much time you have.
Very often fine art is shipped in the air due to its value and small size.

c) Multi-Modal Transport Document 

A document issued or signed by a carrier indicating carriage by more than one means of transportation. For example, a multimodal transport document for a door-to-port shipment with main carriage by vessel might indicate pickup at the place where the shipment originates (often the seller´s premises) with pre-carriage by truck and main carriage from the named port of loading to the named port of discharge by a named vessel. Depending on how the contact carriage was drafted, the document could be issued either on a received for shipment basis at any time after the goods entered the control of the main carrier, or on an on-board basis after the goods were loaded in the named vessel. As some ship lines accept liability only while the cargo is on their vessel, its is important to carefully read the contract of carriage.
With the advent of containers, the ocean carriers started extending their services to Inland locations, as containers, are smoothly and easily handled from one mode of transport to another. One of the most important ingredients involved in such Multimodal Transport is the existence of a legal regime to govern the terms of the contract and specify the basis of liability and responsibilities of the Multimodal Transport Operator. Previously, a documents called Combined Transport Document (CTD) was being issued. However, although the format of the document broadly conformed to a specimen prescribed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the CTD has not been adopted by all operators uniformly. Thus, there was an absence of uniformity of liability and other condition. In India the Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI) has evolved its own rules laying down the responsibilities and liabilities of Combined Transport Operators from the inland container depots. However, these rules could not obtain wide acceptance mainly because the Combined Transport Document evolved by FEDAI did not confer negotiability and title to the goods and also because such documents were required to be exchanged for a regular on - board ocean bill of lading at the port unless the letter of credit specifically permitted the production of a combined transport Document in place of a regular Bill of Lading. Looking to the urgent need of Industry and keeping in view the provisions of the Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act 1993 which is substantially based on the rules framed by the ICC and also taking into account the provisions of the UN Convention of 1980 on Multimodal Transportation of Goods, the Director General of Shipping, with the approval of the Govt., has issued an Order on 17th March, 1994 prescribing a model for the Multimodal Transport Document (MTD). The document has been prepared for carrying out the provisions of the Act keeping in view the primary objective of the legislation that the carriers are thereto serve trade and not the other way around. The Multimodal Transport Document issued under the present law would be:i) a contract for the Transportation of Goods by Multimodal Transport.ii) a negotiable document unless it is marked non negotiable at the option of the consignor.iii) a document of title on the basis of which its holder can take delivery of the goods covered by it.The concerned parties who would have commercial interest who would be governed by the document once it is executed would be:i) The MTO who is the person responsible for the execution of the Multimodal Transport Contract.ii) The consignor who places the goods in question with the MTD for transporting the same and the consignee who is to take delivery at the destination.iii) The bankers who would provide the mechanism for documentary credit.iv) The insurers who insure the goods against loss or damage and the liability insurers who would cover the MTO's liability under contract.
Once the Multimodal Transport Operator executes the Multimodal Transport Document, he immediately assumes the role of the owner of the goods, the Principal thereby authorizing the MTO to exercise the rights as that of the owner for claiming damages etc. and for other purposes, wherever necessary. The provisions of the Act shall have overriding effect over all other laws and any contract for MULTIMODAL Transport made in contravention of the provisions of the Multimodal Transport Act would be null and void.The issuance of the Multimodal Transport Document confers and imposes on all interested parties the rights, obligations and defences set out in the act. In issuing the MTD, the MULTIMODAL transport operator assumes responsibility for the execution of the contract as well as would be liable for the loss or damage to goods or delay in delivery as contained in the Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act 1993.

d) Privatisation of Ports  

In recent years a significant number of countries have implemented policies aimed at reforming their port industry. In the belief that it will improve efficiency and reduce the heavy financial burden placed upon governments that attempt to support such a capital-intensive industry, privatization has often formed an important strand of such policies. A key claim in favour of privatization is that the transfer of ownership from public to private hands will ultimately lead to an improvement in economic efficiency and, hence, financial and operational performance. This paper investigates the theoretical underpinnings and practical validity of this claim and concludes that privatization is only a partial cure for what ails the world's ports and that, if implemented in isolation, it simply cannot deliver the much-needed panacea for the industry's woes.

The Major Ports Authority Bill, 2020 was passed through ballot votes in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday with 84 votes in its favour and 44 against it. The Lok Sabha had passed the bill on September 23 last year.

Taking a strong objection to some members' remarks that it is intended to benefit big corporate houses and would result in the ruining of the ports and their plunder, Mandaviya, in his reply to the debate on the bill, said rather, it would turn these ports into world-class ports and enable their boards to take decisions on their own.  
Various opposition parties, including the Congress, TMC, SP, RJD, DMK, AAP, CPI(M) and CPI raised objections on the bill in the Upper House of Parliament and alleged that it is aimed at privatising the ports and diluting the powers of the states on land use. However, the BJD, JD(U), YSRCP supported it, saying it is a welcome move to expand the port development infrastructure.

Question No. 4 - IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics - Master of Commerce (M.Com)

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics

Master of Commerce (M.Com) - 1st Year

Question No. 4 - Distinguish between the following: 
a) Domestic logistics and International logistics 

Logistic is a phenomenal practice of transporting goods to place within your country or overseas. Logistic companies are burgeoning in every alley around Australia. Whether you’re into business or have nothing to do with, understanding how logistic is important in our everyday life can help you in long run.  Logistic service can be broadly defined in two ways; domestic and international. It’s easy to assume the difference between these two just by their terms, but actually it isn’t when it comes to their different functional sphere.

The Basic Line:

Domestic logistics means distributing goods within you country, while international logistic deals is the transportation of goods beyond your country line. Dealing with domestic transportation is way different than that of international because of proximity involves in the process. Let’s take a look at the basic difference of these two operations.


When searching for local freight transport service you can book in many ways. Metro transport, full truck load and dangerous goods point to point delivery to down the road or to other part in Australia can be done easily within a day or maybe in week. On the contrary, international logistics requires different set of commercial operational managers who will set an entire plan for the delivery overseas.


The costs involved in both the process should be considered individually. The price vary based on transportation modes, technology and man power involved. There are additional taxes involved in international process that make it bit too costly than that of domestic.


When transporting within your country boundary, you would be able to choose many transportation options such as truck, metro and other road transportation facilities which are designed for palletized, fork-lifted and skidded. But you have very limited option when moving beyond country’s boundary.

b) Inland container depots and Container fright stations 

c) Weight ton and Measurement ton. 

The rates of individual commodities are expressed in different ways, namely, per weight ton (W), per measurement ton (M), and per weight ton or measurement ton (W/M), whichever gives higher revenue.

According to gross weight, i.e., weight ton, which is indicated by "W" in the tariff.

According to volume, i.e., measurement ton, which is indicated by "M" in the tariff.

The unit of measurement of different bases can vary. For example, a weight ton is usually defined as either a metric ton (100 kg) or a long ton (1,016 kg) and a measurement ton in some trades, is defined as 40 cu. feet, while in others 50 cu. feet, or else, as is usually the case today, as 1 cu. meter i.e., 35.5 cu. feet. According to normal practice, a commodity that is being charged on a weight basis will pay according to its weight irrespective of the volume it occupies and a commodity that is charged according to the volume will do so irrespective of its weight. 

d) Reorder Level (ROL) and Reorder Quantity (ROQ)

The reorder level is the level of the stock of a particular item, held by the firm, when an order is needed to be placed for avoiding the risk of being out of stock. It is based on the average time taken by the supplier for replenishment, maximum usage of the item during the replenishment time, and safety stock requirement. It is also known as reorder point.

The reorder quantity is the quantity of the order that is to be placed on a new purchase order for the particular item. The ordered quantity or the number of units needs to be optimum taking into account the various factors like cost of order, cost of transportation, carrying costs, etc. The reorder quantity is the quantity which, given the normal usage, provides the best balance between the various factors like quantity discounts, freight, storage costs, and working capital requirements. 

The main differences between Reorder Level and Reorder Quantity are as under:

  • Reorder level is the stock level of a particular item of inventory, at which a firm needs to place an order for the fresh supply or replenishment of the item; whereas reorder quantity is the magnitude or the number of units to be ordered in a new purchase order for the fresh supply of a particular inventory item.
  • While reorder level gives a signal regarding when to place a new order for the fresh supply of an inventory item; reorder quantity makes obvious the size of a particular order.
  • The reorder level acts as a trigger or indication for placing the order for an item; whereas reorder quantity is the actual act of calculating and placing the size on a new purchase order.
  • While in reorder level, the main element is time; in case of reorder quantity, the main element is quantity or number of units.
  • While reorder level provides an answer to the question ‘when’; reorder quantity provides an answer to the question ‘how much’.
  • While the internal factors involved in reorder level are maximum usage during the lead time, safety level, and replenishment period; the internal factors involved in reorder quantity are carrying cost of inventory per unit, cost of order, etc.
  • Whereas the external factor involved in reorder level is lead time taken by the supplier; the external factors involved in reorder quantity are cost of freight, and big order quantity discounts.
  • Reorder level has first precedence. first of all, we assess whether the stock level of an inventory item is above the reorder level or below it. if the stock level is below the reorder level, it is the trigger to place a purchase order; reorder quantity is calculated to be placed on the new purchase order, only after it has been decided that a purchase order is to be made.
  • While reorder level is a strategic decision; reorder quantity is a tactical decision.
  • Reorder level is a policy level or higher management level decision variable; whereas reorder quantity is an operational level and routine decision.
  • While reorder level is not only an inventory management, but also business continuity issue; reorder quantity is purely an inventory management issue.
  • Reorder level decision is more stable; whereas reorder quantity decision is less stable with more frequent changes.
  • The main risk factor in reorder level is being out of stock; whereas the main risk factor in reorder quantity is high cost per unit of the inventory item ordered.
  • The other risk factors in reorder level are disruption in production and foregone sales; whereas the other risk factors in reorder quantity are being uncompetitive in pricing of the final product or service offering, and reduction in profit margin per unit in case of higher costs of the inputs.

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Question No. 3 - IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics - Master of Commerce (M.Com)

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics

Master of Commerce (M.Com) - 1st Year

Question No. 3 - Briefly comment on the following: 
a) “Objectives and policies for functioning of the supply chain are usually in conflict both within and across operational units.” 

Supply Chain Management refers to handling of the entire production flow of goods and services to maximize quality, customer experience and profitability. It involves right from the raw components to delivering the final product to customers.  In this article we shall take a look at the objectives and functions of Supply Chain Management.

Objectives of Supply Chain Management
We have discussed some of the important objectives of SCM below.

1. To maximize overall value generated
The higher the SCM profitability, the higher is the success for supply chain. The Supply chain profitability is the difference between the amount paid by the customer to purchase a product and the cost incurred by an organization to produce and supply the product to the customer.

2. Cost quality improvement
This is another essential objective of SCM. It looks to achieve cost quality balance and optimization.

3. To look for sources of Cost and Revenue
Customer is the only source of revenue. Therefore there should be appropriate management of the flow of information, product or funds. It is a key to the success of supply chain.

4. Shortening the time to order
SCM aims to reduce the time required for ordering and fulfilling the same.

5. Delivery optimization
The SCM aims to meet the demands of the customer for guaranteed delivery of high quality and low cost with less lead time.

6. Demand fulfilment
Managing the demand and supply is a key yet challenging task for a company or management personnel. Its objective is to fulfil customer demand through efficient resources.

7. Flexibility
SCM aims for flexibility. A Well managed supply chain provides flexible planning and better control mechanism.

8. Better Distribution
SCM aims to ensure improved distribution. It can maximize the distribution side efficiency. Marketer or distributor can achieve optimized level distribution by using all resources that are available properly.

9. Cost Reduction
It’s another objective of SCM to reduce the system wide cost of a company to meet service level requirement.

Functions of Supply Chain Management

The functions of SCM include the following:

1. Purchasing
The first function of SCM is purchasing. During manufacturing process, raw materials are needed. It is essential that these materials are procured and delivered on time. Then only the production can begin. In order to make this happen, coordination with suppliers and delivery companies is needed to avoid delays.

2. Operations
Forecasting and demand planning is needed before materials are procured as the demand market shall dictate how many units are to be produced and how much material is needed for production.  This function in SCM is vital as organizations accurately forecast demand to avoid having too little or too much inventory that would lead to revenue losses. Therefore, forecasting and demand planning should be tied in with inventory management, production and shipping.

3. Logistics
Logistics is a part of SCM that co-ordinates all planning aspects, purchasing, production, and transportation aspects to ensure that products reach the end consumer without hindrances. It is essential to have co-ordination with multiple departments so that products are quickly shipped to customers. 

4. Resource Management
Resource management[1] ensures that right resources are allocated to the right activities and that too in an optimized way. It ensures that optimized production schedule is created to maximize operations efficiency.

5. Information workflow
Sharing information and distribution is that what keeps all other functions of supply chain management on track. If this information workflow and communication is poor, it can hurt the entire chain.

b) “The world economic situation and the world trade are very closely related.” 

The world economic situation and the world trade are very closely related and
consequently whatever developments, whether positive or negative, take place in the former have
a direct impact on the latter. Hence, with the changing economic trends, it is very likely that the
movement of trade will also be affected. This results in the creation of cyclical fluctuation in the
demand and supply for goods in the world trade. Since the ships carry a sizeable quantity of goods
traffic in world trade, the fluctuations will have an impact on the movement of seaborne trade.
The global economic recovery that began in 1993 continued till 1996, when the world output grew
by 2.8% over 1995, However, growth belied the hopes that the world economy would enter a new
era of sustained growth not in excess of 3% which was expected to be achieved by 1997, Growth
in the developed market economies sf the world, as a whole, was slower than what had been
The growth of world merchandise trade slowed down sharply in 1996, it was 4.6% as against 10%
in the preceding two years, falling more than what had been expected at the beginning of the year.
The divergence between trade and output growth, which had been increasing since 1990, was
greatly reduced in 1996.
An important factor leasing to a slowdown in the world trade was a sharp deceleration of import
growth in developed countries, which account for about two-thirds of the world import demand from
11% in 1994 to only 5.2% in 1996.
The industrial production of the OECD countries is also a fundamental indicator for the global
maritime transport sector. The diverging growth rates in OECD countries industrial production and
world seaborne trade in the period 1991 -93 was mainly attributed to the decrease in production of
crude steel, iron ore, cooking coal, petroleum products, nonferrous metals and fertilizer, and to the
decline in the prices of these commodities. However, increasing trade in other manufacturers
maintained the growth of world seaborne trade.

c) “Shippers-Ship owners consultation arrangements in India leave much scope for Improvement.” 

In India, All India Shipper's Council, regional level shipper's associations, and concerned Government department like the Ministry of Commerce regularly consult shippers. The US Government does the same through provisions of FMC( Federal Maritime Commission), established under the Shipping Act, 1916.

Currently, there are five association at the regional level for resolving shipper's problems:

a.) Eastern India Shipper Association (EISA), headquartered in Kolkata.

b.) Western India Shipper Association(WISA), headquartered in Mumbai.

c.) Southern India Shipper Association(SISA), headquartered in Chennai.

d.) South Western India Shipper Association(SWISA), headquartered in Cochin.

e.) North India Shipper Association(NISA), headquartered in New Delhi.

Shippers-shipowners consultation in India leaves much scope for improvement. The statement is true considering the following aspects:

1.) The consulting arrangements have been found to have inadequate secretarial staff and meeting space. These associations largely depending chambers for meeting space and staff.

2.) There is a lack of adequate resources to organize seminars, conferences, workshops for creating awareness.

3.) Not all shippers represent themselves in the association, hence negotiations and decisions represent only a part of the consultation.

4.) The association has no representative on the Board of trustees of ports.

5.) They lack the expertise to present the cases scientifically and objectively.

6.) At times, Shippers and Chamber of Commerce approach authorities directly. This hampers the growth and repute of associations.

d) The rate of return from warehousing business is low and the gestation period is rather long. 

The Rate of Return (ROR) from warehousing business is low and the gestation period is rather long. Warehousing has several strategic decisions like the number of warehouses, warehouse capacity, their location, and type of ownership. These involve heavy investments.

A warehouse is involved in various functions like assortment, storage of goods, etc. These start generating revenue over and above the investment made, as the warehouse change for consignment held, as per the time period.

The cost of ownership of a warehouse involves initial cost and financing the same. Similarly, owing more warehouses would mean better customer service but involves ownership and maintenance costs. By making the product available at the place where it is needed and when it is needed, the distribution system adds both time and place utilities to the product. For achieving this, the company must critically decide on the number of warehouses and the type of transport system to be used for product delivery.

Monday, 14 February 2022

Question No. 2 - IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics - Master of Commerce (M.Com)

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics

Master of Commerce (M.Com) - 1st Year

Question No. 2

(a) Discuss briefly the various constraints faced by Indian shipping industry. 

Transportation of shipment through means of shipping companies has numerous advantages like cost-effectiveness and being environmentally friendly. Shipping companies in India have not been able to realize their fullest capacity due to a few constraints. Let’s us check out a few challenges faced by shipping companies in India which deter growth in the logistics sector:

1. Institutional Challenges
The rigidity of the Indian bureaucracy and its reluctance to give up control adds to the delay. Multiple involvements of the central, state and local governments with overlapping powers add to the chaos. Lack of a single window clearance system has made it challenging for shipping companies in India.

2. Infrastructural Challenges
Capacities of all major and minor ports in India need to be increased urgently. Due to transhipment points in other countries, the cycle time of Indian cargoes has rendered the uncompetitive on a global scale. Besides this development of road network, electricity and overall infrastructural development is also the need of the hour.

3. Financial Challenges
Shipping companies in India do not have access to any lucrative government schemes that have been available to other channels. The burden of taxes like Customs Duty on Bunkers, Landing Fees, Income Tax etc. without negligible exemptions have made it difficult for shipping companies to thrive.

4. Slow Process
The shipment procedures undertaken by shipping companies is quite cumbersome in comparison to other modes of transportation. This, in turn, wastes valuable shipping time and labour time which goes into the logistic process.

5. Vessel Size
The sizes of vessels are getting bigger owing to the rise in demand for shipping services. While it might sound like an improved trend, many ports in India are still struggling to keep up, and many of these large vessels cannot be called on into most of the ports.

(b) What is Maritime Fraud? State the various factors that lead to commitment of maritime frauds.

Maritime fraud occurs when one of the parties involved in an international trade transaction like the buyer, seller, shipowner, charterer, ship’s master or crew, insurer, banker, broker or agent illegally secures money or goods from another party to whom, on the face of it, he has undertaken specific trade, transport and financial obligations. To check the c/p frauds all care should be taken by the master while issuing any b/l under that c/p to provide the true description of goods on the b/l. If any letter of authority is given to the agent for signing the B/L then such letter of authority should clearly mention the description of the goods so that he may not make any false declaration on behalf of the master
'Maritime fraud is a generic term commonly used to describe the obtaining of money, or services, or property in the goods, or a pecuniary advantage by one or more parties to a transaction from the other party or parties, by unjust or illegal means

Question No. 1 - IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics - Master of Commerce (M.Com)

Solutions to Assignments 

IBO - 05 - International Marketing Logistics

Master of Commerce (M.Com) - 1st Year

Question No. 1
(a) What are the various factors taken into consideration while selecting the mode of transportation for export cargo. Explain. 

1. Cost of Service:
The cost of transportation adds to the cost of the goods so it should always be kept in mind. Rail transport is comparatively a cheaper mode of transport for carrying heavy and bulky traffic over long distances. Motor transport is best suited and economical to carry small traffic over short distances. Motor transport saves packing and handling costs.

Water transport is the cheapest mode of transport. It is suitable to carry only heavy and bulky goods over long distances where time is not an important factor. Air transport is the most costly means of transport but is particularly suited for carrying perishable, light and valuable goods which require quick delivery.

2. Speed of Transport:
Air transport is the quickest mode of transport but it is costliest of all. Motor transport is quicker than railways over short distances. However, the speed of railways over long distances is more than that of other modes of transport except air transport and is most suitable for long distances. Water transport is very slow and thus unsuitable where time is an important factor.

3. Flexibility:
Railways, water and air transport are inflexible modes of transport. They operate services on fixed routes and at preplanned time schedules. The goods have to be carried to the stations, ports and airports and then taken from there. Motor transport provides the most flexible service because it is not tied to fixed routes or time schedules. It can operate at any time and can reach the business premises for loading and unloading.

4. Regularity of Service:
Railway service is more certain, uniform and regular as compared to any other mode of transport. It is not much affected by weather conditions. On the other hand, motor transport, ocean transport and air transport are affected by bad weather such as heavy rains, snow, fog, storms etc.

5. Safety:
Safety and security of goods in transit also influence the choice of a suitable means of transport. Motor transport may be preferred to railway transport because losses are generally less in motor transport. Water transport exposes the goods to the perils of sea and, hence from safety point of view, sea transport is thought of as a last resort.

6. Nature of Commodity:
Rail transport is most suitable for carrying cheap, bulk and heavy goods. Perishable goods which require quick delivery may be carried through motor transport or air transport keeping in mind the cost and distance.

7. Other Considerations:
A number of special services such as warehousing, packing, loading and unloading are also taken into consideration while deciding about a mode of transport. From the above discussion it is clear that each mode of transport is suited for a particular type of traffic.
The rail transport is particularly suited for carrying heavy and bulky goods over long distances. Motor transport is suitable for carrying small consignments over short distances. Air transport is suited to light and precious articles which are to be delivered quickly. Ocean transport is appropriate for carrying heavy bulky goods over long distances at the cheapest possible cost.

(b) Describe the responsibilities of ship owners and the charterers under different forms of chartering arrangements. 

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Going Places – Summary & Key Highlights (From "Flamingo – Class 12, CBSE" by A.R. Barton) Summary: "Going Places" by...