Monday, 28 March 2022

Question No. 1 - MMPC -002 - Human Resource Management

Solutions to Assignments

                MMPC -002 - Human Resource Management

MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

Question No. 1 Define human resource management in your own words. Describe the functions of a HR Manager citing real time examples.

Human Resource Management is the process of recruiting, selecting, inducting employees, providing orientation, imparting training and development, appraising the performance of employees, deciding compensation and providing benefits, motivating employees, maintaining proper relations with employees and their trade unions, ensuring employees safety, welfare and healthy measures in compliance with labour laws of the land and finally following the Orders / Judgements of the concern High Court and Supreme Court, if any.

Human Resource Management deals with the management functions like planning, organizing, directing and controlling

  • It deals with procurement of human resource , training & development and maintenance of human resource.
  • It helps to achieve individual, organizational and social objectives 
  • Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary subject. 
  • It includes the study of management, psychology, communication, economics and sociology. 
  • It also deals with building team spirit and team work. 
  • It is a continuous process.

Human resource management as a department in an organisation handles all aspects of employees and has various functions like human resource planning, Conducting Job analysis, recruitment and conducting job interviews, selection of human resources, Orienting, training, compensating, Providing benefits and incentives, appraising, retaining, Career planning, Quality of Work Life, Employee Discipline, black out Sexual Harassments, human resource auditing, maintenance of industrial relationship, looking after welfare of employees and safety issues , communicating with all employees at all levels and maintaining awareness of and compliance with local, state and federal labor laws.

The historical rule of thumb for Human Resource staffing requirements is one full-time professional Human Resource person should be hired for every 100 employees. The actual ratio for a business can vary depending upon factors such as the degree of HR centralization, the geographic distribution of the employees served, the sophistication level of the employees, and the relative complexity of the organization.


Human resources departments are often considered an essential part of many organizations. They are present in numerous industries, and take on many different functions in their day-to-day responsibilities.

HR departments act as a liaison between employers and employees to help ensure both are well equipped to do their jobs safely and effectively. While some organizations have their own in-house HR department, others may use an outside firm. In either capacity, HR managers help maintain the structural and organizational integrity of the workplace. While HR may sometimes be regarded as the disciplinary arm of a company, in reality, HR holds many supportive responsibilities like the ones we’ll discuss on this page. From making sure employees are paid and receive benefits to overseeing employee development, HR departments and managers aim to create workplaces where both employers and employees can thrive.

1. Recruitment and Hiring
For many organizations, attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry is a priority. HR managers play an important role in this, helping to build the future of the company by overseeing the recruitment and hiring process. To begin, HR may work with a department manager or supervisor to learn about an open position, including its requirements and ideal candidate qualities. The HR department may then set forth a recruiting strategy. This might include creating internal and external job postings, screening incoming applicants’ resumes and other application materials, and conducting initial interviews. HR may also be responsible for professional reference checks and background checks to verify that candidates are eligible to work for the company.

2. Training and Development
Hiring qualified employees is just one aspect of an HR department’s job. In order to retain talent and remain competitive, HR managers may also be responsible for launching employee development initiatives. This could entail additional on-the-job training, professional development programs, or educational opportunities that allow employees to grow and develop in their current roles—or prepare them for career advancement within the organization. HR departments know that investing in training and development benefits both employers and employees External link . For employers, it may mean higher employee productivity, and lower turnover rates. For employees, seeing the company invest in their development may help them feel more valued, increase job satisfaction, and incentivize them to stay with the company.

3. Employer-Employee Relations
Another aspect of the workplace that HR departments manage is employer-employee relationships. With this function, HR departments strive to help employers and employees see each other as mutual contributors to the company, fostering a positive dynamic between the two. HR managers may also help craft and determine company policies that ensure fairness and equity in the workplace.

When an employee has a workplace grievance—whether regarding compensation, benefits, workloads, work hours, or anything else—HR may step in to act as a liaison between the employee and employer, helping to settle any disagreements. Overall, when HR departments succeed in creating positive employee relations, employers may trust their employees and value their input more, and on the flip side, employees may respect and appreciate their employers more.

4. Maintain Company Culture
Elements of company culture may include sound hiring practices, ongoing development, and strong employee relations. However, it’s not necessarily something you can achieve and move on from. HR departments engage in ongoing work to ensure that their company culture remains solid overtime.

In the employee onboarding process, HR managers may share the company’s values, norms, and vision with employees—familiarizing them with the overall ethos of the organization. Team outings, community building, and any reward systems or recognition programs are additional ways HR departments might keep employee motivation and morale high. Maintaining company culture also means being equipped to identify any shortcomings within the organization and having the ability to address them effectively.

5. Manage Employee Benefits
On the administrative side, HR departments oversee both mandated and voluntary company benefits. While employers are required to provide some benefits like Social Security, unemployment, and worker’s compensation, other benefits like paid time off, disability income, and gym reimbursements, are provided on a voluntary basis—and serve as additional incentive for potential and current employees to work at the company.

Of course, employee benefit programs vary by organization. Some may offer employer matching programs (in which employers match an employee’s contribution to their retirement fund), while others may offer enticing comprehensive health insurance plans. Regardless of the specific benefits an employer may offer, managing all of these components is a complex job. It requires HR managers to be well-versed in their understanding of company benefit programs External link  and have the ability to clearly explain and answer any questions employees may have regarding their policies.

6. Create a Safe Work Environment
In addition to managing benefits, HR is responsible for protecting employees’ safety at work—both physical and emotional. In the physical sense, HR must ensure the workplace is free of danger External link , typically through worksite analysis and hazard prevention and control. HR may also establish safety programs through risk management training and provide information on procedures and protocol for any potential emergency scenarios.

Workplace safety also entails ensuring that the organization acts in accordance with federal and state employment rules and regulations. HR departments have a responsibility to maintain work environments that promote respect and dignity for all employees. They must also ensure that employees are protected from behaviors like harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and exploitation. They may provide training sessions for employees, managers, and supervisors to learn to identify harmful practices and know how to report them when needed.

7. Handle Disciplinary Actions
Disciplinary procedures and terminations are delicate and sometimes complicated matters. HR managers must know how to handle them fairly and consistently to keep situations running smoothly External link —and prevent any additional conflict or escalation. This may involve having a clear disciplinary process, whether that includes starting with a written warning and increasing in severity with suspensions or demotions—or following another proven system. Regardless of the specifics, HR managers must have a set system in place to hold employees accountable.

Additionally, HR may consult with legal counsel to ensure the company acts in accordance with the law, avoiding any mishandled situations and subsequent lawsuits. At the end of the day, HR departments have a responsibility to enforce an organization’s policies and the requirements of the law, while still maintaining the dignity and humanity of its employees.

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