Monday, 18 April 2022

Question No. 4 - MMPC-003 - Business Environment - MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

Solutions to Assignments

                           MMPC-003 -  Business Environment

                            MBA and MBA (Banking & Finance)

Question No. 4                                       

How does technological advancement impact international business environment. Discuss. 

In the past decade, technology has grown exponentially and has affected our everyday way of life and impacted almost every industry, including international business. Technology is ultimately what makes thriving international trade and businesses possible, and without technology, international business would be slow, tedious and time-consuming.

Technology is no longer reserved for specific countries or certain groups of people. These days, even the average person has access to some form of technology, which has aided the technological and international business revolution.

a. Telecommunications
Not so long ago, there was a time where writing letters was the only way to communicate with your international business connections. These letters could take days, weeks, and even months to reach their destination. But now, look at where technology has gotten us! We’re able to send messages and emails instantly and interact through platforms like Skype and Zoom.

Telecommunications technology is what makes running an international business doable. It’s necessary for sending invoices, dealing with customers, communicating with suppliers, and keeping in touch with employees that may live in other parts of the world.

b. Social media
It could be said that social media is a branch of telecommunications, but it deserves attention of its own as social media has given international business a platform from which it can skyrocket. Social media keeps tabs on global trends in fashion, decor, art, furniture, and a wide variety of other products, which provides international businesses with impressive insight.

Whether it be Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, or others, having a social media account allows international businesses to connect with their target audience worldwide and advertise their products to them. Where once people would not be exposed to businesses from other countries, social media has made it easier than ever to stumble upon businesses from all over the world.

c. Transportation
There have been several major advances in transportation in the last 80 years or so. No one wants to wait months for their international order anymore; that’s because commercial jet craft has made transporting products to different areas of the globe affordable and timely.  Customers these days are all about instant gratification, so there is a major emphasis on getting orders shipped as quickly as possible.

The explosion in air travel and airports worldwide has also made travelling for business people more accessible and created a huge rise in the travel industry, creating opportunities for many international businesses.

d. Production
If you’re an international business that sells products, you would have directly benefited from the latest innovations in production. Technology has played a major role in the production processes we know today and associated processes such as production planning, financial planning, and marketing. Thanks to technology, companies may have production and manufacturing plants in several different countries, and you can choose where to create your manufacturing plant based on where materials are easily sourced and where skilled labour is affordable.

e. Market globalisation
Market globalisation began forming its roots when it became more affordable and feasible to transport and sell goods in different countries. The internet is seen as a low-cost market globalisation network in an electronic form. Because of social media, television, and the low costs involved in transporting products around the world, there has become a sort of convergence in consumer preferences and tastes. For instance, there was once a time when only Americans wore jeans, but now people worldwide are interested in buying and wearing jeans, and that is how market globalisation works. The same thing goes for brands such as McDonald’s, Pizza Hut etc.

A global culture is created in which different countries begin having similar lists of wants and demands.

f. eCommerce
eCommerce platforms are platforms or websites that specialise in selling products online, usually to an international audience. Over the years, we have seen many advances in eCommerce technology. As a result, we are at a point where almost anyone can make their own eCommerce site with very little trouble, thanks to all of the templates and applications out there. This gives the average person, as well as multi-million dollar corporations, the opportunity to have their goods online and available to be sold.

eCommerce platforms are usually fully integrated with shipping, payment, customer service, etc.

g. Online banking
Pay instantly with the click of a button! Technology has played a significant role in online banking, and we have seen tremendous growth in just the past few years. Paying online, no matter where you’re located in the world has truly become easier than ever before, and there are so many options available to you! You can use your credit card, payment solutions such as the popular Paypal, as well as digital currencies like Bitcoin in some instances. In addition, exchange rates and payment fees have become lower, making shopping internationally easy and affordable.

Whether you’re a customer buying a pair of shoes online or an international business owner who needs to pay his suppliers and employees, online banking and payment services have made payments exceptionally convenient.

Technology plays a major role in the security behind all online transactions.

The future of international business
Technology is always evolving, and things in the international business landscape won’t ever stay the same for very long. While it is always impossible to predict the future exactly, as business experts, we expect to see trends in international business leaning more towards services than products, the inclusion of digital currencies as forms of payment, and an emphasis on eco-friendliness and transparency.

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